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Make your handrails the focal point of your spaces with our professional painting service! In the UK, we offer a handrail painting service that meets the highest international market standards and fully satisfies the demands of architects and interior decorators. We transform your handrails into stunning and durable design elements.

Handrail Painting


Handrail Painting

Make your handrails the focal point of your spaces with our professional painting service! In the UK, we offer a handrail painting service that meets the highest international market standards and fully satisfies the demands of architects and interior decorators. We transform your handrails into stunning and durable design elements.


How is our handrail painting process

  1. How is our handrail painting process adequate for the surface: Before painting the handrails, it is important to prepare the surface properly. This includes sanding or scrapping off any peeling or uneven layers of paint, as well as cleaning and degreasing the handrail to ensure adhesion of the new paint.

  2. Primer application: Using a primer is essential to achieve a durable and uniform finish on handrails. The primer helps seal the surface, improves paint adhesion, and promotes uniform coverage. In addition, priming can help prevent oxidation and premature wear.

  3. Selection of suitable paint: it is important to choose suitable paint for handrails, considering factors such as durability, resistance to wear and impact, as well as the desired aesthetic appearance. It is recommended to use high-quality paints designed specifically for handrail applications, such as enamelled paints or epoxy.

  4. Careful application technique: when painting the handrails, the paint should be applied carefully and evenly. Use high-quality brushes or rollers that adapt to the size and shape of the handrails. Apply paint in thin, even layers, preventing paint build-up and ensuring a smooth, brush-free finish.

  5. Finish and protection: after applying the paint, consider applying a protective coating or sealant to extend the life of the handrails and improve their resistance to wear and stains. A clear coating or varnish can provide an extra layer of protection and enhance the final appearance of the handrails.

Don’t settle for less when it comes to painting your handrails. Trust our professional service and experience the difference. Our dedication to quality and attention to detail sets us apart, and we strive to exceed your expectations on every project.


Contact us today for more information and a personalised quote. Our team is ready to transform your handrails into elegant and functional design pieces. Take advantage of our professional handrail painting service in the UK and give a touch of style and distinction to your spaces!

Cases of success | Handrail Painting

Handrail Painting | JFDecoatings | London | UK | (Title) |


Handrail Painting | JFDecoatings | London | UK | (Title) |


Handrail Painting | JFDecoatings | London | UK | (Title) |


Handrail Painting | servicio profesional de pintura de pasamanos cumple con los más altos estándares internacionales del mercado y satisface plenamente las exigencias de arquitectos y decoradores de interiores | London | JFDecoatings


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Before and after Handrail paintings

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